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Quiz Section Class HAKI

Related Indexed   : Lecture Indexed : the quiz section class contains:   Patent rights are a special right based on the law given to the inventor or according to the law the party entitled to obtain it at the request submitted to the authorities, for new findings in the field of technology, improvements to existing findings, new ways of working or find a new improvement in the way of working, for a certain period of time that can be applied in the industrial field. This patent is exclusive because only inventors produce inventions that can be granted rights, but these inventors can carry out their own inventions or give approval to other parties to implement them, for example through a license. The invention is an inventor idea that is poured into a specific problem solving activity in the field of technology can be a product or process or a product or process improvement and development. What inventions can ...

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Quiz Section Class PBD

Section Class HAKI

Section Class 2 PBD

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